Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sticky Situation

This year we tried to get the majority of presents for the kids wrapped earlier than waiting until the last night. doesn't look like this is the year for that.  I did manage however to wrap a few but really didn't put a scratch in what we are having to do tonight.  Oh well.  As a ploy to trap the kids in their room, Peppy realized the importance for my late night privacy and decided to try and barricade the kids all in one room.  Peppy got a hold of some tape and taped the girls room door closed.  Luckily Devon has been sleeping in that room all week.  I guess he is super excited for Christmas.  Anyway when they woke up this morning, they all screamed and laughed so hard that I could hear them on the opposite side of the house.  They thought this was the funniest thing Peppy had done thus far!

Peppy got a little stuck after he tape up the room.

The damages Peppy did.

Luckily I had a wide angle lens to capture Peppy close up and this taping job.